Located in the US in Louisville, KY and it provides services like Injection Molding. It has 2400 Employees. 313.35 million USD is Revenue.
It is Located in Boyne City, MI It has 325 LexaMar Corp Located in Boyne City, MI It has 325 domestic employees and a list of clientele, and its Revenue is 106.91 million.
Company with 175 employees Located in Rochester Hills, Michigan It provides Molding services like machining, benching & 3D printing, and EDM and has a 50.44 million.
It has 180 Employees and is located in Clearwater, FL. It supplies mold to 21 countries, makes a wide variety of molds. It has 29.21 million in Revenue.
The company is Located in Saline, MI with 86 Employees and has a Revenue of 28.66 million and also provides services like tooling, designing, and material handling.
It has 210 No of Employees and a Revenue of 28.21 million. It is headquartered in Ironwood, MI. works on Hi-Tech engineering principles and gives services like over-molding.
Company with 110 employees and provides services like prototype tooling and tool design and has Revenue of 28.00 million. Headquartered in North Vernon, IN.
Company with 75 Employees offers development services to create customized solutions for products including toilet tissue. It has 19.25 million in revenue.
Located in Port Richey, FL with 122 Employees and has a revenue of 18.97 million. It delivers low-volume production runs on time, and within your budget.